Parent Education Classes
Individual & Group
ABC holds monthly group parenting classes in a small group format on Zoom, as well as One on One sessions for those wanting individual support for their needs. Classes are up to two hours in length and groups are kept to 12 or less to allow for group discussion and interactive learning. Individual parent sessions are offered in one or up to two hour session.
Class options: One on One | Positive Parenting | Co-Parenting | Dealing with Divorce |
Cooperative Parenting Program
Individual Parent Education Sessions
One on One parenting support and education on topics unique to your child and your family. You will meet via ZOOM online platform with your Parenting Educator. Sessions are either one hour or up to 2 hours in length. You may pick from below topics or have your own topic or need discussed.
Group Parenting Classes
Click the plus (+) button to read the class descriptions and the minus (-) button to close descriptions.
Positive Parenting (One session group class)
This class is our most popular and beneficial to parents of children of all ages. It is designed to give you a general base of information that may be all you need to begin your journey of improved parenting, often the base needed to benefit from additional topics offered.
Positive Parenting offers a firm foundation in understanding the importance of structure and organization in a child’s environment. We define the appropriate developmental expectations for our children and age appropriate responses to behavior. Parents learn to establish positive habits and approach the child in terms of teaching skills rather than only responding to behavior. Behavior management techniques are offered that are non-aggressive, and promote learning self management. Parents explore the different types of parental role and how their family works within that framework, to they may choose which style of behavioral response best meets their child’s needs. Positive Parenting FAST FACTS
The cost is $50.
Co-Parenting (One session group class)
Positive Parenting is a pre-requisite for this class.
This class will focus on the unique struggles a child encounters when parents are separated, divorced, or just struggling to work together as a team. The focus on this class is to examine the messages children receive and how to improve clarity and consistency in communication patterns and expectations. We discuss the “rules” of co-parenting and how to work with a difficult situation having the child’s best interest in mind. This class helps parents to understand the importance of working together even if there is not agreement on issues. We discuss contracting, negotiating and communicating with the other parent and not through the kids. To benefit from his class, participants must attend Positive Parenting offered above. Co-Parenting FAST FACTS
The cost is $50.
Cooperative Parenting Group (5 session group Series)
You can end a relationship with your child’s parent, but you cannot end the role of parenting together. Splitting time and responsibilities can be arranged, but cooperation in raising your children is not that easy. This class can help parents remember that while the marriage has ended, the responsibility to our children continues. PARENTS DO NOT ATTEND TOGETHER. Groups are separated by gender. You will start and finish this 5 group series with your peers. Participants are given skills and strategies on dealing with the conflict between co-parents. Currently this class meets in a zoom format, cameras must be on and engagement in discussion is required.
The cost is $275 for a 5 group series. ($50 additional fee to make up a missed group session)
STOP Custodial Couples program (6 session model)
The objective of this couples program is to end hostile/contentious co-parenting.
• Each parent attends an intake session individually.
• Following intake, parents meet at a couple with a clinician for 5 joint sessions.
• This is not mediation, it is relearning how to cooperate and follow parenting rules.
Respect and Civility is required — Complete program costs $475.00 each parent. This program is facilitated on Zoom, you must have a private area to attend