Court Ordered/Court Diversion
Non DUI-ARD Crime Prevention Class
This program is ONLY for those who have been referred by the CUMBERLAND COUNTY ARD office and deemed appropriate by that office. The DA’s office would have given you a registration check off form to refer to as you complete this registration. If you have been asked to take the Non DUI-ARD Crime Prevention Class or the 1:1 Crime Prevention, Please click REGISTER ONLINE to begin the process.
Shoplifting Prevention
A Retail Theft Prevention Program THAT REALLY WORKS. Class is a four-hour psych-educational program run by clinical and therapeutic staff that focus on behavioral change. This is a group process, not a lecture. Learn more | Shoplifting Prevention Class Fact Sheet
Anger Management
A one session group, offering Conflict Resolution Strategies and Communication Techniques to help change the way we cope and respond to our anger. Learn more | Anger Management Fact Sheet
Anger Control Series
6 Therapeutic Sessions Designed for the participant who is in need of more specific interventions and a greater depth of support. These groups are small – 5 to 8 individuals will meet together weekly for 6 weeks. Groups are held on ZOOM virtual platform. Cost is $50.00 per session or $300 total. FAST FACTS
Parenting Classes
ABC holds monthly group parenting classes in the areas listed below. Each class is two hours in length and groups are kept to 8 or less to allow for group discussion and interactive learning. Learn more.
Sexual Offenders Series
This program is ONLY for those who have been referred by the ARD office and deemed appropriate by that office. Once registered, you will be contacted by a therapist to proceed. The cost of the program is $150 for the intake evaluation and $50 for each of the 5 sessions for a total cost of $400
One on One Parent Education Session
One on One parenting support and education on topics unique to your child and your family. You will meet via ZOOM online platform with your Parenting Educator. Sessions are either one hour or up to 2 hours in length. You may pick from the pre-determined topics or have your own topic or need discussed.
Price: $100 for 1 hour session or $150 for up to 2 hours
ARD Needs Assessment
Click the register online button below for your ARD Needs Assessment. This is a one hour appointment for you only, no guest or children are permitted. Price: $100 per assessment.