ABCHelps Family Stabilization

ABCHelps is a time limited grant funded program to support the stabilization of families providing one or all of the following services for up to 90 days..

  • Parent Education
  • Behavioral/Emotional Support
  • Resource Coordination
  • Emergency tangible needs


ABCHelps is a short term, prevention model designed to address areas of need before they intensify to result in abuse, neglect, or familial crisis. Offering parental support, family counseling and linkage to resources before the struggle becomes overwhelming or urgent.  ABCHelps is not a duplication of existing mental health or community resources, rather a service to fill voids of unmet needs.

Eligibility Criteria:

• Parent / Child must reside in Cumberland County.
• Child must be over 14 to be served without parental involvement.
• Family cannot have an open case with CCYS.
• Service provided cannot duplicate an existing, available service accessible to the client.
• Service needed must have a reasonable resolve within 3 months.
• Monetary support for one family may not exceed $1500.
• Family must provide financial information and qualify financially for the need.
• Families may not have more than 2 service periods; they may not be continuous.

Service Protocol:

Clients will complete an intake session to determine eligibility and identify which of the 4 categories of support are needed.

Each category of need will be defined and objectives for resolution will be created with the client.

Families will be served in their home or community based if desired.  Service period can be as little as one session or up to 90 days of support (not to exceed 25 sessions).

How to Refer:

Click the above Refer to ABCHelps button to refer online, call (717)241-6870 or email [email protected].